Have you been waiting for a personal invitation to finally let go and be yourself? Allow me to release you from that self-contained prison. Consider this your invitation.
Several years ago, I went to a leadership conference where the instructor asked the question, “Are you power hungry?” Everyone in the class had a similar response. We each physically recoiled at the concept.
The teacher then gave the definition of power. “Power is the ability to act. Why don’t you want the ability?”
We are raised to be polite, get along with others, and avoid confrontation of any kind. We are silently brainwashed to allow peer pressure to repress our own beauty within that screams to be unleashed. We put others before ourselves.
Are there only two options?
1) Be selfish at the expense of others, or
2) Be unselfish at the expense of yourself.
There is a third option that no one ever talks about.
3) Be the loving, kind, generous person that you are when you can be. When you cannot do it without harm to yourself, put yourself first.
The reality is that there will always be times when you have a previous commitment, are sick, or cannot meet a request. Saying, “No,” is okay. Release the guilt.
If you asked someone for a favor and they couldn’t do it, would you throw away the friendship?
Give them some credit and assume the same, and give yourself a break, too.
Your third chakra is your powerhouse. It is that fire that sparks within, located at your solar plexus. Yellow like the sun, here lies your energy center.
When you hand your power over to others, you are basically acting like a black cloud that blocks your own inner sun. You are sending the message to yourself that you aren’t as worthy as others, and repeatedly sending yourself this message can have serious consequences.
The Result:
Feeling like your life lacks purpose
Poor self-esteem
Difficulty making decisions
Digestive issues
Pancreatic issues
You have more than 100 chakras in and around your body. These are wheels of centralized energy spinning. Like water, they do not wish to be stagnant. They are healthy when they are flowing – one unto another – working in harmony with each other to maintain balance.
You have seven main chakras: root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and the crown. When one of them is out of balance, it always helps to work from the bottom up.
Get to the root of who you are.
It’s time to go back to your first chakra, the root chakra, and ask yourself, “Who am I?” Get centered. Figure out what your foundation is based upon.
When you have been trained to give your power away, your happiness may reside in knowing that what you are doing is for the benefit of others, but chances are you may have lost a little of who you are and what you like along the way.
Hold onto the loving, kind, and generous person that you are, and dig a little deeper. Who are you outside of them? What are your hopes, desires, and dreams? What do you like to do? What are your values? What is the essence of who you are? Allow yourself to live there a little.
Discover Self-Expression
As you embrace ‘you’, an amazing thing begins to occur: inspiration. By placing your attention on those hopes and dreams, values, belief systems, and remembering the things you like most, your second chakra begins to awaken. That sacral chakra gives birth to ideas. It is the source of creation.
When you connect fiercely with who you are, you send out a clear message to the universe. This is how the Law of Attraction works. It provides opportunities for you to create a match to what you are ‘putting out there’. You may find a natural pulling to act upon the ideas that begin to form.
Those thoughts are like little seeds that you have planted. This is the time to act upon them and nurture those ideas. Just like the seeds in a garden, that beginning stage is critical. You are catching the momentum and staying in the flow. When you stop, question, pause, and fail to act upon those thoughts, your moment is passing you by like a fleeting cloud. You lose a little bit of steam, and it gets harder and harder to catch up to the cloud the further it goes away until it finally just fizzles out altogether.
Shine Like the Sun
Acting on these drives steps into your third chakra. You claim your power through action. It is also where you practice self-love.
While bending over backwards helping everyone at your own expense may be self-sacrificing, it lessens the love given and received.
Just like you need to put the oxygen mask on yourself before helping others, the same is true with taking care of your own needs and showing yourself love before you can extend love to others. Otherwise, you slowly become drained, resentful, and a shadow of the person you were born to be.
By showing yourself the love and respect you deserve, you better understand the give and take of love. You strengthen your own reserves, so you can be there for others without doing harm to yourself.
So the next time you start to feel guilty for taking a day to deal with your own life, remember that you are not only doing this for yourself. Be unapologetically you – for us all.